Information Release – HF718 Mailing – FY25 Proposed Budgets Property Tax Hearing and NoticesĀ 

A recent law change requires county auditors to mail a notice to county taxpayers by March 20 with state-specified information related to proposed local government budgets and proposed property tax rates. (Iowa Code 24.2A) 

The information is for taxes payable in September 2024 and March 2025. You should receive a notice if you expect to receive a property tax bill in September. 

The notice is not a property tax bill. It includes data for Fiscal Year 2025 proposed city, school district and county budgets but does not include proposed budgets for smaller taxing authorities, such as the community college, assessor’s office, townships, and agricultural extension service. 

The purpose of the notice is to provide taxpayers with information about the proposed city, school district and county budgets in time for the taxpayers to address the proposals at public hearings held before the budgets are considered. The date, time and location of the hearings are included in the notices. The budgets may be lowered after the initial hearings but not increased. 

Included on the notice is the impact of the proposed city, school, and county property tax rates on both a $100,000 residential property and $100,000 commercial property. The actual impact of the tax rates on your property could be quite different than the examples in the notice, which do not factor any possible change in the assessed value. If your property value was recently reassessed to a higher amount, the example on the notice will not accurately reflect the effect of your valuation increase on your property taxes. 

Taxpayers owning more than one property may receive multiple letters if those properties are in different taxĀ districts.Ā 

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