Pella Schools’ AI Policy

Selection of AI tools
AI tools will be vetted by relevant stakeholders including, but not limited to the district’s
IT staff and, when related to student learning or assessment, by the Curriculum Director.
Decisions to use AI tools should be focused on:
Protection of students: Any AI tools used in the district must comply with the
requirements to safeguard students from accessing material that is obscene, child
pornography and harmful to minors.
Privacy: Personally identifiable information of students will not be shared without
necessary written consents. Further, any AI tools utilized must meet the requirements
of the School Official exemption listed in FERPA, and described in policy 712.
Accessibility: Is the tool available to students of all abilities? If not, what comparable
alternatives will be offered to ensure an equitable learning environment for all students?
Accuracy: To the extent reasonable, the AI tool should be both reliable and unbiased in
its pattern recognition, and data used by the tool should be verified for accuracy.
Transparent and Interruptible: Student use of AI tools must be able to be monitored by
licensed staff to safeguard the appropriateness of the learning experience for the
student and monitor for accuracy of the AI tool.

Academic Integrity
Use of AI in research and graded work by students must include proper source
citations. Copyright protections must be strictly adhered to. Students who fail to comply
with these requirements may face discipline as stated in relevant district policies.

Appropriate Use
Prior to using AI tools, classroom teachers will clearly state how AI tools may be used to
engage in and complete educational tasks and assignments. Classroom teachers will
establish appropriate parameters for AI tool usage and will monitor student use of AI
tools as appropriate.

Prohibited Uses
Students will not use AI tools to access or create information that is discriminatory,
constitutes bullying or harassment, shares confidential or personally identifiable
information of others, or access/create material that is harmful to minors, obscene, or
child pornography. Any violation of this regulation will be treated as a violation of
relevant district policies and may be subject to loss of access to the AI tool, and further

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