Pella Community School Board of Directors Regular Meeting Minutes April 22, 2024 Meeting Minutes

Roll Call: Vice President Elisa Klahsen called the public hearing to order at 5:30 PM. Members answering rollcall are Jesse Peterson, Paul Weesner, and Travis Thompson. Corbin was absent with notice.
Receive Visitors/Public Forum: Vice President Elisa Klahsen welcomed the media attending the meeting and invited any in attendance to speak on any agenda items. No comments were received.

Consent Agenda:
Approve minutes of previous meetings: Board members reviewed the minutes of the April 8, 2024 Meetings. Vote: To approve the minutes as presented.

Approve invoices for payment: Board members reviewed the invoices for April payment. Vote: To approve invoices as presented for payment.

Approve personnel changes: Board members reviewed personnel changes for March. Vote: To approve personnel changes as presented: Leave of Absence/Resignations: Emily Gibbs – MS Asst Softball Coach; New Hires: Kristiana Hesseltine – LDA Admin Assistant, Heather Fenton – ME 1st Grade Teacher, Austin King – JI 4th Grade Teacher, Kade Terrell – MS Volunteer Assistant Baseball Coach, Marcus Wittmer – HS Asst Baseball Coach (50%), Jerod Garland – HS Asst Baseball Coach (25%), and Adam Hale – HS Asst Baseball Coach (25%); Transfers: Blaine Forsythe – (Beginning the 2025-2026 school year) From Dean of Students to Jefferson Intermediate Principal and Sarah Boyce – (Beginning the 2025-2026 school year) From 7th Grade Language Arts Teacher to Madison Elementary Principal.

Approve 2023-24 Fundraisers: Board members reviewed Fundraiser Requests for March. Vote: To approve fundraisers as presented.

Approve Change Orders: Board members reviewed Change Orders.

Vote: To approve Change Orders as presented, including: Consent agenda approval: Motion by Peterson, Second by Thompson to approve the consent agenda as presented. All in favor, motion carried: 4-0.

New Business:
DCI Construction Update:
Summer PPEL and SAVE Projects: Motion by Thompson, Second by Peterson to approve the summer PPEL and SAVE projects as presented. All in favor, motion carried: 4-0.

Board Reports
Approve Price Quotes: Motion by Peterson, Second by Thompson to approve the price quotes for Discovery Ed Science and Amplify science as presented. All in favor, motion carried: 4-0.

Approve Resolution Directing the Advertisement for Sale of Not to Exceed $11,835,000 General Obligation School Bonds, Series 2024, Approving Electronic Bidding Procedures and Approving Official Statement: Motion by Peterson, Second by Weesner to approve the resolution directing the advertisement for sale of not to exceed $11,835,000 General Obligation School Bonds, Series 2024, approving electronic bidding procedures and approving official statement as presented. Roll Call Vote: Weesner: Yes; Thompson: Yes; Peterson: Yes; Klahsen: Yes. All in favor, motion carried: 4-0.

Approve IASB 2024-25 Membership Dues: Motion by Weesner, Second by Thompson to approve the IASB 2024-25 membership dues as presented. All in favor, motion carried: 4-0.

Approve 2024-25 Perspective Consulting Contract Renewal: Motion by Thompson, Second by Peterson to approve the 2024-25 Perspective Consulting contract renewal as presented. All in favor, motion carried: 4-0.

Approve 2024-25 Navigate Wellness Contract Renewal: Motion by Peterson, Second by Weesner to approve the 2024-25 Navigate Wellness contract renewal as presented. All in favor, motion carried: 3-0. Travis Thompson recused himself from the vote.

Approve Furniture Order for Middle School and Lincoln: Motion by Peterson, Second by Thompson to approve the furniture order for Middle School and Lincoln as presented. All in favor, motion carried: 4-0.

Approve Miscellaneous Pay Schedule: Motion by Peterson, Second by Weesner to approve the miscellaneous pay schedule as presented. All in favor, motion carried: 4-0.

Information & Discussion
Reminder to review revisions for 200 Policies
Graduation – Friday, May 17 at 7:00
Superintendent Goals: Madison Elementary Projects
Summer Board Meetings: Tuesday, June 25 at 5:30 and Monday, July 22 at 5:30.
Last Day of School – Friday, May 31 – 12:30 dismissal
Tentative future meetings (all in High School Media Center): Monday, May 13, 2024 at 4:30 PM: Work Session and Tuesday, May 28, 2024 at 4:30 PM: Regular Meeting (Tues. after Memorial Day).
Adjournment: Motion by Peterson; Second by Thompson to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 7:16 PM.

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