Pella Community School Board of Directors Work Session Meeting Minutes April 8, 2024 Meeting Minutes

Roll Call: President Joan Corbin called the meeting to order at 5:30 PM. Members answering roll call are Elisa Klahsen, Paul Weesner, and Jesse Peterson. Travis Thompson joined virtually.
Receive Visitors/Public Forum: President Joan Corbin welcomed the media attending the meeting and invited any in attendance to speak on any agenda items.

Consent Agenda:
Approve minutes of previous meetings: Board members reviewed the minutes of the March 25, 2024 Meetings. Vote: To approve the minutes as presented.

Approve invoices for payment: Board members reviewed the invoices for April payment. Vote: To approve invoices as presented for payment.

Approve monthly financial reports: Board members reviewed March Financial reports. Vote: To approve reports as presented.

Approve personnel changes: Board members reviewed personnel changes for April. Vote: To approve personnel changes as presented. Early Retirement Change – from FY25 to FY24: Kelly Garrington and Cristy Roozeboom; Leave of Absence/Resignations: Alyssa Davis – JI 4th Grade Teacher, Jackie Ashbacher – LE 1st Grade, Austin Hill – LE Student Resources, and Robin Llewellyn – HS Special Ed Teacher; New Hires: Lauren Keppler – MS Special Ed Teacher, Brody Ross – MS Band Director, Samantha Kosman – 1st Grade Teacher, Chelsea Hamlin – Custodian, Blake Meyer – Volunteer HS Football Coach, Adam Hale – Volunteer MS Baseball Coach, Jerod Garland – Volunteer MS Baseball Coach, Holli McKeever-Birkenholtz – ME Part Time Nurse, and Linda Russell – Director of Human Resources; Transfers: Teresa Shannon – From JI Associate to Custodian at LE.

Approve 2022-23 Fundraisers: Board members reviewed Fundraiser Requests for April. Vote: To approve fundraisers as presented, including:
Consent agenda approval: Motion by Klahsen, Second by Peterson to approve the consent agenda as presented. All in favor, motion carried: 5-0.

Public Hearing – 2024-25 Certified Budget: President Joan Corbin opened the public hearing for the 2024-25 certified budget at 5:32 PM. No comments received. Public hearing closed at 5:33 PM.
Unfinished Business:
Tabled from March 25 Meeting – Approve Policy Changes: Motion by Klahsen, Second by Weesner to approve the updated policies from the Fall 2023 and the December 2023 IASB policy primers as presented. All in favor, Motion carried: 5-0.

New Business:
Approve 2024-25 Certified Budget: Motion by Peterson, Second by Klahsen to approve the 2024-25 Certified Budget. All in favor, Motion carried: 5-0.

Approve Wellness Policy: Motion by Klahsen, Second by Weesner to approve the wellness policy as presented. Majority in favor, motion carried: 5-0.

Travis Thompson left the meeting at 6:28 PM.
Approve Certificate of Substantial Completion for Stadium Sports Lighting System: Motion by Weesner, Second by Klahsen to approve the certificate of substantial completion for stadium sports lighting system. Majority in favor, motion carried: 4-0.

Approve Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of not to exceed $11,835,000 General Obligation School Bonds and Levying a Tax for the Payment Thereof: Motion by Klahsen, Second by Peterson to approve the resolution authorizing the issuance of not to exceed $11,835,000 General Obligation School Bonds and Levying a Tax for the payment thereof as presented. Roll Call Vote: Weesner: Yes; Corbin: Yes; Klahsen: Yes; Peterson: Yes. All in favor, motion carried: 4-0.

Approve Engagement Letter for General Obligation Bonds: Motion by Klahsen, Second by Peterson to approve the engagement letter for G.O. Bonds as presented. Majority in favor, motion carried: 4-0.

Information & Discussion
AEA Changes and Teacher Salary minimum
Review Policy Changes
2024 Administrator and Supervisor Salary Comparison – update
Jefferson/MS New Addition Tour – April 22 at 4:30
Next meeting at Jefferson due to the tour
Last Day of School – Friday, May 31 – 12:30 dismissal

June Meeting date
Tentative future meetings (all in High School Media Center): Monday, April 22, 2024 at 5:30 PM: Regular Meeting – at Jefferson Library and Monday, May 13, 2024 at 5:30 PM: Work Session.
Adjournment: Motion by Klahsen; Second by Peterson to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 7:28 PM.

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