Melcher-Dallas Community School District Special Meeting for Board of Education

JH/HS Library
Wednesday, April 3, 2024 5:00pm

The Special Board Meeting of the Melcher-Dallas Board of Directors was held on the above date and time.

President Shane Ripperger called the meeting to order at 5:00pm. Directors Erin Metz, Allen Rogers and Matt Bennett were present. Director Dean Lewin was absent.

Motion made by Metz and supported by Bennett to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

Business Item – Public Hearing for Property Tax
Mr. Bridges gave a short presentation on the budget numbers and why the rate had increased. The biggest reason is due to the Management Fund. The Management Fund is used to pay for property/casualty insurance and early retirements (Melcher-Dallas has no early retirements at this time). The property/casualty insurance is estimated to increase 20% this year. There is also a change in how the deductibles will work for wind/hail damage. The district would have to pay1% of the value of the property instead of the $1,000 deductible on everything else. Currently there is not enough money in the Management Fund to cover the high deductible if that happens.

Public Hearing for Proposed Property Tax
President Ripperger opened the floor for discussion at 5:16pm. There were no constituents present who wanted to speak so the floor was closed.

Motion made by Metz and supported by Rogers to adjourn at 5:18pm. Motion carried unanimously.

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