ATM Relocation at Marion County Bank Knoxville Drive-up

Marion County Bank will soon begin work on the construction of their new drive-up facility on Highway 14 in Knoxville.  In preparation, the ATM will be moved from its current location south of the drive-up to a temporary placement on the west side of the building. A gravel lane will provide access to the ATM for the duration of the construction project. To access the ATM, customers should enter the driveway off Pearl St.

Friday, May 17 is the date set to move the ATM to allow for dirt work to begin in the new construction area.  Customers of Marion County Bank should anticipate that the ATM will be unavailable all day on May 17. The drive-up facility and main bank location will be open regular business hours to assist with banking needs. 

Plans showing the completed look of the new drive-up facility on the south side of the existing property will be shared in the coming weeks.

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