A note from the Publisher

First of all, thank you as always to our advertisers, subscribers and everyone else who
has contributed to the support and success of my venture here. I can’t tell you how
much I appreciate it.

I wanted to share some updates on what we’re doing to expand our product offerings
and opportunities to benefit our communities. We are not abandoning our hard copy, print publication, but the truth is, there is so much more going on than I’m able to get in the pages of the newspaper each week. We’ve launched www.marioncountyexpress.net, which will not be behind any pay wall, because our goal is meant to provide news and information. There are advertising opportunities on the website.

The Express has also partnered with OnPremise to expand our digital presence. I don’t want to give away all details, but we are currently seeking partners in this digital billboard venture as another way to reach audiences and your potential customers via television. Of course, we will continue to distribute the daily Marion County Espresso email. I’ve heard nothing but positive feedback on this. Just wanted to provide that update. Thank you, as always, for your support.

Feel free to reach out any time to marioncountyexpress@gmail.com.

Steve Woodhouse, Publisher

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