2025 Tulip Queen Nominees

October 15, 2024

1.Emma Eekhoff #139
Essay: What qualities are needed to serve on the Tulip Time Royal Court?(essays shared with judges if chosen for the final 12)

The Tulip Court represents community pride and connection, with its members playing a key role in bringing people together. Among the many qualities needed, leadership is especially important. Good leaders inspire others with their ideas and ability to motivate. They guide their peers, organize events, and ensure the court reflects the community’s values. A strong leader is not only confident but also caring, allowing them to connect with different people of all ages and encourage everyone to participate.
Community engagement is another essential part of the Tulip Court’s mission. Members are expected to take part in local events and activities, showing their commitment to improving the lives of those around them. This involvement means more than just showing up; it’s about building relationships with people, understanding their needs, and supporting community projects. By connecting with the community, court members build trust and connection, making them effective representations for the community.
Together, leadership and community engagement create a strong foundation for the Tulip Court. Leaders who are actively involved in their community can inspire positive change and foster a sense of belonging among the people of Pella. As they work to unite people and promote local initiatives, they enhance the reputation of the Tulip Court and strengthen the community as a whole. These qualities are vital for creating a lively, connected town where everyone feels valued and included

Parents: Eric & Lori Eekhoff

2.Hannah Vander Meiden #140
What qualities are needed to serve on the Tulip Time Royal Court? (essays shared with judges if chosen for the final 12)

I believe that being kind and respectful are important qualities needed by someone serving on the Tulip Time Royal Court. I try to be kind to everyone I meet even if I don’t know them. I also am respectful to people in positions of authority as well as my peers. I love to smile and visit with others which is another quality needed to serve on the court. This is a favorite part of my job as a cashier at Fareway, being able to visit with those I know as well as meeting new people. Another quality needed is a sense of community and valuing our Dutch heritage. I love Pella and have lived here all my life. My family is full of Dutch heritage as my great grandparents immigrated to Pella from Holland. My grandparents and parents are all from Pella and Tulip Time has been an important part of my childhood. I also believe being outgoing and confident are important qualities too. I love to perform whether it is in cheerleading or show choir. The girls chosen to serve on the Tulip Time Royal Court should be themselves and represent Pella in the best way possible to make it a positive experience for everyone that attends.

Parents: Aaron & Jaci Vander Meiden

3.Abbie De Berg #141
What qualities are needed to serve on the Tulip Time Royal Court? (essays shared with judges if chosen for the final 12)

I think the biggest quality needed to serve on Tulip Time Court is just a love for Pella and its unique history. Also the quality to be a leader and a face for the town before, during and after the festival.

Parents:John & Jodi De Berg

4.Addison Bandstra #142
What qualities are needed to serve on the Tulip Time Royal Court? (essays shared with judges if chosen for the final 12)

I believe that serving on the Tulip Time Royal Court is an honor that requires many important qualities, including passion, leadership, and willingness to learn. Court members must also be personable and well-spoken.

Since members of the Royal Court will be ambassadors of Pella, they should be proud of their community and heritage, and excited to represent Pella. I also feel that leadership and willingness to learn are important qualities because the Queen and Court will use their opportunities to lead in educating others about our beautiful town. This will also require learning more about our Dutch culture and all that Pella has to offer. Court members should shine God’s light through their actions and exhibit respectful behavior as they will be viewed by those inside and outside of the community. They should enjoy speaking with those they come in contact with and be able to successfully communicate Pella’s history and charm, all while having lots of fun along the way.
These characteristics are extremely valuable in positively representing Pella and encouraging visitors to come see the beautiful town I know and love.

Parents: Michael & Jill Bandstra

5.Ella Van Waardhuizen #143
What qualities are needed to serve on the Tulip Time Royal Court? (essays shared with judges if chosen for the final 12)

Qualities needed to be Tulip Queen or on the Tulip Time Royal Court
By Ella Van Waardhuizen

When it comes to Tulip Time our little Dutch community takes bringing our community to life very seriously. There is so much work that goes into bringing many people together and showing them such joy. As an ambassador for our community, I believe representation, enthusiasm, and communication are the qualities that are needed to provide a sense of community to our guests during Tulip Time.
When I think of Tulip Time, one of the first things that comes to mind is representing our Dutch heritage and the rich culture that comes with it. My favorite Tulip Time memories come from dressing up in my Dutch costume and walking with my elementary school class, and Dutch dancing with my friends in middle school. Being able to share our Dutch culture in the forms of food, costumes, singing, and even architecture with people from all over the world is such an amazing experience. I am so grateful to have been a part of Dutchesses during my Freshman, Sophomore, and Junior years because I was in a position to help show off our beautiful town. I love the opportunity to put a smile on people's faces when showing them an authentic song and dance, or even directing them to the poffertjes stand.
Another important quality to have as a Tulip Court member is being enthusiastic and passionate about what you are doing for the community. When on the court the members will need to know how to work together to be positive and excited about teaching people and being a figurehead for Tulip Time. Since I was a little girl, Tulip Time was one of my favorite “holidays” to enjoy and part of the reason why I love it is because I always looked up to and admired the Tulip Queen and her court. As Tulip Queen or as a court member, it is their duty to be a role model not only for the little girls of Pella but for all of the children.
To be on the Tulip Court it also takes well-rounded communication skills and being able to talk to all kinds of people from all age groups and cultures. It’s important for the court members to be able to speak clearly, sing, dance, and carry themselves with professionalism. I think one of the most important things about Tulip Time is the fact that it can bring people together who wouldn’t otherwise. I have always loved being able to get to know people who come from different backgrounds than what I have grown up with because I enjoy being able to learn from all different kinds of people. This is why I plan on going to college to pursue a degree in the field of communications.
To be able to bring the joy of Tulip Time to life every year there is so much work that needs to be done. When talking about the Tulip Queen and her court there are also many things that they need to be able to do before Tulip Time. The qualities that I see as most important to serve on the Tulip Time Royal Court are being able to represent our community with a genuine interest in our Dutch heritage, being enthusiastic about it, and having good communication skills to use with visitors

Sarah & Shane Van Waardhuizen 

6.Madi Vanden Bosch #144
What qualities are needed to serve on the Tulip Time Royal Court? (essays shared with judges if chosen for the final 12)

Serving on the Tulip Time Royal Court comes with many responsibilities. As it's an opportunity and an honor to serve, the traits of the Court should revolve around two things: People and Places.

People - we have an incredible community. A Court member should have traits that embrace, connect and celebrate the people that make up our community, traits like showing confidence in themselves and in others to bring the good out in people by encouraging and motivating them to be their best self. This comes from my personal belief that God has called us to love and care for those around us. Court members also represent the community to people outside of Pella. Traits needed for this include the ability to talk to and connect with anyone, maintain a professional presence and portray themselves in a way that values the community they represent by living with integrity, honesty and taking responsibility for their actions.
Places - our town, a city of refuge, is a beautiful place. Knowing our town, the story of its past and how it has beautifully grown over time is important as the Court members work to attract people to Pella. Similarly, during the event of Tulip Time, there are so many activities taking place all over our community. Having attended or participated in many of them, including serving as the Court’s flower girl in 2015, it’s important the Court members are active and willing to jump in and appreciate the work of so many volunteers to create an unbelievable experience. Outside of Pella, the Court will travel to connect with different communities, populations and events at places all across the state. Being able to represent the community through knowledge, pride, and relationships will help best represent the place we are blessed to call home.

Frank & Mindi 

7.Maggie Heinen #145
What qualities are needed to serve on the Tulip Time Royal Court? (essays shared with judges if chosen for the final 12)

Tulip Time is such a beautiful and cherished tradition for the town of Pella. Being a member of the Royal Court means taking on a role of leadership that positively impacts every person they encounter. Members of the Royal Court should use their leadership skills to communicate effectively, resolve conflicts, and demonstrate integrity through their day to day life. We have the opportunity to be able to share how special our community is to people who do not get to experience life in the town every day. It is important to show genuine excitement about our traditions and heritage not only to the visitors of Pella, but also to locals who take this for granted.

Hospitality is another important quality that is needed to serve on the Royal Court. Showing hospitality means greeting people with a warm smile, making visitors comfortable in our town, and communicating in a friendly manner, all while showing passion for the town of Pella. Members of the Royal Court should be willing to create a welcoming environment to make visitors feel at home in our admirable town.
More importantly, Royal Court members need to be servant hearted and evidently shine the light of Jesus everywhere they go. It is crucial for everyone that they encounter to be able to see how bright their personalities reflect Jesus’ love.

Jon & Tricia Heinen

8.Claire Westerkamp #146
What qualities are needed to serve on the Tulip Time Royal Court? (essays shared with judges if chosen for the final 12)

As a little girl growing up in Pella, I always looked up to the senior girls who were chosen to be on the Tulip Time Royal Court. It was as if they were princesses, royalty. I remember them always having smiles on their faces and being so kind and welcoming. Getting the privilege to be a flower girl for the Queen also helped me understand what it meant to have such a great honor and how it also came with great responsibility.

One of the qualities that I think is needed to serve on the Tulip Time Royal Court is being welcoming. Tulip Time is known far and wide, and with thousands upon thousands of people from all walks of life visiting our amazing little town, the Queen and her Court need to be approachable and be able to approach people with a gentle smile and a warm welcoming presence.
Another quality that I think is important to have is confidence. Not only confidence during each performance or interview but also confidence to be outgoing and to talk to people you don’t know. Confidence shows in how you carry yourself and it conveys pride in our town and in the honor of representing it. Confidence is having a humble happiness with who you are and whose you are. And that leads me to the next quality.
A third quality I think is needed to serve on the Tulip Time Royal Court is humbleness, similarly, humility. Being a humble person means having a posture of lowering yourself and raising others up. Humility is a way of life, a condition of the heart. Humility shows in how we speak, think and act - being a servant leader.
These qualities are just a few of the attributes that I think the Tulip Time Queen and Royal Court should display. It seems that every year the Queen and her Court do a great job of representing the town of Pella and I know this year will be no different.

Brent & Christine Westerkamp

9.Cassidy Bos #147
What qualities are needed to serve on the Tulip Time Royal Court? (essays shared with judges if chosen for the final 12)

Tulip Time is a festival during which people come together, not only as a town but also from places all around the world to view the traditions and heritage of the people of Pella. To serve on The Royal Court, one should consider the joy and gravity of this role and the opportunity it brings. Leadership and positive representation of our town is key during this time. By showing humility, serving wholeheartedly, and building community in the process, one can understand the crucial qualities of a good leader and Tulip Court member.

One must possess many characteristics to serve in a leadership position. One essential quality of serving on Tulip Court is having a passion for Pella. This passion can be for the history, the people, the customs, and of course, the food. To truly comprehend the importance of the court though, one has to understand the heritage and background of Pella. Pella’s story is one of hardship and religious oppression, but it is also one of celebration of the freedom that was realized in the end. Candidates must affirm this paradox so that they can serve Pella in a way that is respectful and full of gratitude.
Another characteristic that is vital for Tulip Court is leading with humility. Leadership consists of being able to admit one’s mistakes, allow for feedback, listen and learn from others, and create an environment full of appreciation for this opportunity and a court born of a celebratory community.
Lastly, one must create a strong sense of unity in order to establish relationships. A vast number of people attend Tulip Time, and one must value those relationships to be a good representative of Pella. One must portray kindness and carry oneself in a way that is welcoming. Community is vital to Tulip Time because everyone comes together to celebrate the heritage and traditions of Pella. By realizing the importance of community, one can serve the people of Pella with excellence.
Pella is a beautiful town with a rich history. Tulip Time is a moment in which people can celebrate this. Choosing good leaders that will represent the people well through the qualities that they have, invites all visitors and citizens of Pella to have a memorable experience this May.

Elizabeth Bos & Steven Oosterheert 

10.Daiva Van Maanen #148
What qualities are needed to serve on the Tulip Time Royal Court? (essays shared with judges if chosen for the final 12)

To serve on the Tulip Time Royal Court, one must be intentional with their time, actions, and relationships. Being a humble leader is also crucial in this role. It is essential to know that while serving on the Tulip Court, you are serving God and the community rather than yourself.

One must be organized in all aspects when Serving on the Royal Tulip Court is a commitment. It is important to note that you must be very organized in everything you do. Having the ability to manage time responsibly is important in our day-to-day lives, but especially when serving on the Court. When considering relationships one must know that it is vital to get involved with the whole community. Pella is filled with such welcoming people, which makes it easy to be involved, but one must be outgoing and willing to get connected. It is great to handle every situation with professionalism while still being a warm and welcoming presence.
One must be able to communicate effectively as a member of the Court because of how many different people they are connecting with. Being aware of your audience is important as it changes your actions and how you present yourself.
It is also very important to know what it is you are representing. In being on the Tulip Time Royal Court you are representing not only yourself but the whole community. People come from all around the world to experience Tulip Time, so one must make sure that they get to experience it to the fullest.
We get the amazing opportunity to share our cultures and traditions with others. Pella brings a touch of Holland to the United States and it is our job to show people that beauty. We can do that through our traditions, our actions, and our amazing food. Our community is already aware of the joys of Tulip Time, so we must do our best to bring that experience to newcomers.

Taunya & Wes Van Maanen (Married)

11.Esther Ford #149
What qualities are needed to serve on the Tulip Time Royal Court? (essays shared with judges if chosen for the final 12)

Qualities for Tulip Time's Royal Court

Serving on the 2025 Tulips Times royal court would be an honor to any girl growing up in Pella. Being raised in Pella allowed me to be a part of Tulip Time every year; whether it was riding on my dad's float or walking with my class singing “We are the kids from Pella Iowa”, I would adore every moment of the three amazing days of Tulip Time.
Philippians 2:3: Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, rather, in humility value others above yourself. This verse is one of the Bible's many teachings on how we should act daily, including the rough days. Through the rainy, overly stressful, and busy days; Christians must not be selfish but put others above themselves, making your heart vulnerable to others. Leaders or tulip-time royals need to be selfless, confident, reliable, caring, ambitious, and most importantly kind. These qualities make an exceptional member of the court. A person who is kind, selfless, and confident makes for a good leader; who can prove and handle oneself in any sort of good, bad, or crazy situation.
Being a part of the Tulip Court means a lot of responsibilities, where needing to be reliable and ambitious is a priority. One must be on time for things, be trustworthy to do certain jobs and portray yourself respectfully to others, whether visitors or little kids; treating them in a caring way, is a massive part of Tulip time royalty. Being a part of the royal court puts you in a spotlight where you need to be kind and confident to show visitors the heart of the small town of Pella while carrying yourself in a good manner to be the best leader.
The duties that come along with being a member of the Tulip Time Court stand in need of certain qualities, so we can be the best possible court member for Pella. As it is an opportunity to serve on the court, a girl's qualities should embrace and connect people to the beautiful town of Pella, bringing joy to all who cross the five girls' paths.

Scarlett & Craig Ford (Married)

12.Ella Hartwick #150
What qualities are needed to serve on the Tulip Time Royal Court? (essays shared with judges if chosen for the final 12)

There are many qualities that are important to have while serving on the Tulip Time Royal Court. One very important quality is communication. Having good communication skills while on the Tulip Court is important, as we are speaking with many people about Tulip Time, Pella’s Historical traditions, and simply having conversations with both visitors and citizens.

Another valuable quality while serving on the Tulip Court is having a genuine passion for it. Sharing our passion and enthusiasm is important in creating a positive experience for all the people who come to celebrate Pella’s history and traditions alongside us. Having a passion and joy for what we are doing helps make it successful for everyone involved.
The next quality that is needed as a part of the Tulip Time Royal Court, is being able to create connections with people. Being able to talk to visitors about where they come from and what brought them to Pella, while also being able to share about ourselves and what makes Pella special, helps create a meaningful connection. It is also valuable to be able to connect with current citizens over a shared love for Tulip Time and our town.
Another quality that is important for the Tulip Court to have is leadership. Being able to lead our community members and visitors in all of the festivities and traditions prior to, and during Tulip Time is one part of being a leader. Another part of being a leader on the Tulip Court is promoting Pella and Tulip time, working with new people, and being optimistic in all situations.
Being responsible is very important when on the Tulip Court. Responsibility is not only needed, but also expected, since we chose to commit to this. As representatives of Pella, it is necessary to be reliable to make good decisions. As well as having general responsibility like showing up on time for all practices, times, etc.
Having a friendly personality is also super valuable while serving on the Tulip Time Royal Court. We will be meeting lots of new people, as well as talking to people we already know, so it is super important that they feel welcomed and feel the joy and excitement circling our town during Tulip Time.
There are so many other important qualities that are needed while serving on the Tulip Time Royal Court, but these are some of the most prominent to me. Overall, having a friendly, kind, welcoming, and enthusiastic attitude is what will make visitors and community members feel welcomed, and excited about Tulip Time. Being able to authentically communicate with so many different people in order to promote our town is also very important and necessary while on the Tulip Time Royal Court.

Ty & Jessica Hartwick

13.Cora Biema #151
What qualities are needed to serve on the Tulip Time Royal Court? (essays shared with judges if chosen for the final 12)

The Tulip Time Royal Court has an opportunity to help unify our community and represent Pella wherever the court visits. I believe that qualities such as integrity, responsibility and empathy are immensely important elements that should be found in members of the Tulip Time Royal Court. Being a representative of our town is a privilege that is esteemed by many.

One of the most important qualities necessary for these positions is integrity. This characteristic is defined as an “adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character and honesty” (Dictionary.com). Biblical integrity is a quality that is widely blessed. Proverbs 11:3 states that “the integrity of the upright guides them, but the unfaithful are destroyed by their duplicity” (New International Version). I was raised to believe and follow certain standards, these values have become part of my life and make up much of who I am. Having integrity means being consistent with how I act and not abandoning or modifying my standards depending on the situation. Rather I try to be straightforward with whomever I meet and to be consistent in persona no matter what groups of people I may come into contact with. Integrity is important for someone who is on the Tulip Time Court so that they are truly who they are in every circumstance regardless of their role and responsibility.
Furthermore, responsibility is a characteristic that is greatly appreciated. The ability to provide others with the expectation of consistency not only makes one more reliable, but also demonstrates one's readiness for more responsibility. High school has taught me that, although life can be busy with activities such as theater, Pella Dutchesses, youth group, and dance team, a precise schedule, to-do list and a good clock will keep me on track. Galatians 6:4-6 talks about how there are often loads to bear and that “each one should carry their own load” (New International Version). This verse refers to the ability and desire to do your own work, as well as lighten the load of others, if possible. Responsibility is not only valued in leadership roles, but also the roles of those who follow. Young women serving on the Tulip Time Court need to be responsible because this activity has a busy schedule on top of the extra events of senior year and they must manage their time well.
Empathy is an important yet not obvious quality for every leader to possess. While volunteering in the Scholte house, I was able to converse with travelers about Pella’s founders as well as have the opportunity to hear their stories. Each of them was different from me in many ways, yet the ability to listen to them and to put myself in their shoes created a bridge between us. While being a part of the Tulip Time Royal Court, one will come into contact with countless individuals from different backgrounds and upbringings. A court member must be able to see everyone as they are and value them because of it. The ability to relate to someone who is completely different from oneself allows for unity where there may otherwise be division.
Many little girls in Pella and the surrounding areas dream of becoming Tulip Queen. I was one of those girls. Throughout the years I have had the privilege of knowing some of the Tulip Queens and Court members. I admired them for who they were and the opportunities that being on the court afforded them. I aspire to be that role model for the little girls in my life. Empathy is important for court members so that they can connect with young and old; integrity makes court members respectable role models; and responsibility helps them to meet expectations and be dependable.

Kristin & Brad Bierma

14.Sietje Beukelman #152
What qualities are needed to serve on the Tulip Time Royal Court? (essays shared with judges if chosen for the final 12)

The fundamental qualities to serve on the Tulip Time Royal Court include embodying leadership, community involvement, strong communication, and being personable. Leadership is encouraging the group to continue towards a common goal. Demonstrating leadership as a court member is important because it motivates others to work harder to accomplish the goal that was set: promoting Tulip Time. Additionally, solid leadership inspires and creates a positive environment where the group can grow efficiently together. Leadership can take any form as anyone can be a leader. My specific experience with leadership was as a color guard captain for the Pella High School Marching Dutch; I learned how to handle difficult situations and continue to be a team player. To both lead and support. For the cohesion of the Tulip Court, it is imperative to have members capable of both.

Community involvement is another crucial quality because Tulip Time is where Pella gets to show the heritage of its community. Involvement shows that you care about the community surrounding you and a commitment to help sustain it. Being a part of the community shows support for the businesses and programs that make the town successful; it further shows an interest in investing in better futures for the younger generations. This results in wholesome connections and positive changes. A Tulip Court member who illustrates this quality will continue to support the Tulip Time festival in the years to come, will continue to support Pella throughout the year, and will continue to work towards flourishing connections between community members. I create a positive influence on my dance community by showing up and trying to be a leader to the little dancers who look up to the seniors. Finding ways to influence your community leads to becoming a better person.
Another quality that is essential is having strong communication skills. Effective social skills can drive change and solve conflicts, so working together to share perspectives proficiently leads to a better functioning group. Even communicating with people on a day-to-day basis can affect the way they are for the rest of the day, so remembering to be kind never fails. As I have taken on a more leadership role as color guard captain, I’ve had to constantly be more conscientious when speaking. Being clear and confident while speaking is crucial so that fellow teammates listen. Seeing the team improve as a result of teamwork, dedication, and hard work is worth heightening my own awareness of my communication skills. Being able to publicly speak in front of audiences shows that you are confident in your abilities and your message. Communicating with the crowd is how the Tulip Court is able to share our passion for our heritage, so it’s crucial to do so in an effective manner.
A final quality of a Tulip Court member is to be personable and likable. When I served my sister’s 2018 Tulip Court as a page, I spent many of my fifth grade hours with the girls. I quickly began to look up to them, and I wanted to be like them when I became older. I remember how kind and genuine they were to me and others. Now that I am at the same age, I want to be the same role model for others as I once admired. I love having fun with others and making them smile, so bringing this energy everyday is important to me. These are qualities that should be embodied by Tulip Time Royal Court members.

Terri Menninga & David Beukelman

15.Sydne De Jong #153
What qualities are needed to serve on the Tulip Time Royal Court? (essays shared with judges if chosen for the final 12)

There are so many amazing qualities that a court member would need. Having kindness, passion, motivation, good behavior, leadership are all qualities that I believe are necessary to serve on the Tulip Court. The first important attribute, Kindness, is helping out in any way you can and wanting to help others around me. I always show kindness when I’m seeing my friends, family and new people. Kindness allows others to be seen and appreciated by you. Just by showing kindness to someone, you can brighten their day. Kindness is a way for someone to know they are cared for and supported by another.

Passion is what drives you to pursue your dreams and having the confidence to do them. Being able to have a passion brings motivation towards where you find joy, even if it makes you go outside your bubble of comfort. It also shows others the drive you have to follow through your goals and work hard to accomplish them. Though it is easy to say this, hard things are not fun or simple. When you are doing something hard or scary, you show your interest and desire to put all your effort into something that you love. I am so very passionate about helping others and welcoming people.
Another attribute of a Court Member is a good attitude. It is the best way to present yourself not just towards those around you but for yourself in seeing the brighter side of a negative situation. Smiling and showing positive behavior opens doors to meet people and help those around you emotionally. Laughter is always said to be the best medicine, which is true. No matter how you feel, laughter always lightens and relaxes my mood if I ever feel down. High spirits and a loving environment shows our lovely town to others that may have never been here before. Every year, when Tulip Time season starts, I cannot wait to put on my Dutch costume and celebrate my Dutch heritage with visitors. As a Dutchess, I sang and danced for three, joyful years meeting new people and inviting them to dance with me, old or young. I love these small interactions with them to feel the excitement getting to Dutch Dance for the first time. Seeing the impact this celebration brings to them always makes me feel the importance of sharing our heritage. I always ended our fun dances with a big hug or a high five to show that they did a great job. Having visitors feel welcomed is the best feeling knowing that they felt comfortable enough not only visit Pella also to dance with me.
Leadership is a very important role as a Court Member. You show your strength as a leader by gathering people together and being the face they turn towards. Being a leader means you can read the people around you and see their needs whether it's laughter or information. I have shown leadership as a worker at the Information Windmill alongside my mother. Interacting with younger kids is something I value because they all look up to myself, as an older teen, and adults. I know, as a child, I always looked up to the older teens.In fact, I idolized them and observed them on what they did to later copy. Now that I am a senior in high school, I have matured and learned who I am as a person . Now that I am older, I help with younger kids at my church, Liberty E. Free, and the roles have been reversed. I am the one they look up to now and idolize. FFA is also a big part of my leadership positions. I am the secretary for the Pella FFA this year where the whole chapter voted and placed me in this spot. My peers knew I could fill the role in improving our chapter and do it with confidence. Being an officer comes with a lot of responsibilities. This required us to show good behavior, kindness, and motivation to make the chapter better and grow in our impact in FFA. Having all of these qualities is very important when representing the town of Pella and the community. It shows visitors that we are proud of our heritage and where we came from. Being the community to share with others the love that we have for this beautiful town shows our love for Pella.

Stacy & Brad De Jong

16.Lyndi Schulte #154
What qualities are needed to serve on the Tulip Time Royal Court? (essays shared with judges if chosen for the final 12)

Qualities that are needed to serve on the Tulip Time Royal Court are leadership, communication skills, patience, passion for our town and heritage, a servant heart, and overall love and kindness towards others. These qualities will serve our community and bless everyone that the Tulip Court interacts with.

Showing leadership and communication skills as a royal court member will encourage like-mindedness and cause less confusion and conflict. These attributes will enable smooth interactions and positive experiences for all involved.
Patience, love, and kindness are the most important characteristics, in my opinion, because they display empathy towards others. They show that you really care about those you interact with and not just about the position that you are in. I consider these traits to be most important because leadership without love and kindness can become self-centered, create a negative, unwelcoming atmosphere and ultimately will not be a blessing to others. Servant-hearted individuals who truly care about those they represent and those they encounter are able to make meaningful connections with others and have a lasting impact through their interactions.
Last but certainly not least, having passion for your community is such an important trait in order to serve on the Tulip Time Royal Court. It goes along with loving the people of our town because you have to care about the people in the community in order to have passion for it. Our culture, heritage, and faith is also extremely important in our town and for good reason. Being passionate about this means to respect it and care for it in order to let it flourish. In order to do that, our community is unique in the fact that it values religion and the culture around it more than anything else. This is the backbone of our community and is extremely important to keep in mind when representing Pella.
Faith is also the most important thing in my life and is the reason I picked the traits that I did. Above all, as Christians we are called to love one another and being on the Tulip Time Royal Court you get the opportunity to love so many people.
I have seen these traits to be very effective in my own life when it comes to building relationships with others and my community. Being on the 2024 homecoming court this year taught me so much about what it means to be a good role model for the younger generations and the community as a whole. Going from school to school at the pep assemblies and talking to the young kids showed me how much influence a person can have on someone they just met. It made me realize what an impact I can make in someone else's life just by treating them with kindness and respect. I also learned from being on the court that just because you were selected by your community, that doesn’t mean that your work is done. Being recognized actually isn’t about you as an individual at all. It is about representing your school in everything that you do, and turning the attention away from you to your community. Likewise being on the Royal Court is about representing your community and heritage, and doing so with love and care toward those you meet.
There are many more traits that are needed to serve on the Tulip Time Royal Court, but I think these are the main ones that encompass many others. I would be honored to serve the community as a member of the Royal Court and continue to develop and apply these qualities in my own life.

Matt Schulte & the late Carol Schulte

17.Alyson De Bruin #155
What qualities are needed to serve on the Tulip Time Royal Court? (essays shared with judges if chosen for the final 12)

To serve on the Tulip Time Royal Court, one needs to have many qualities. One should be selfless, brave, and bold as well as dedicated and willing. A member of the court should be well-spoken and poise as they should be able to gracefully interact with the community. Humility with dignity are both marks of the Court.

I believe I possess these qualities that make me qualified to be a part of the Court. From service days at school to helping at my church’s vacation Bible school, I’ve always been one to enjoy serving others. Making people smile has always been one of my main goals whether it be by doing something big or something small. Some of my fondest memories have come from engagements with the Pella community through many opportunities; I’ve played with my band for Kerstmarkt, the Tulip Parades, and the local nursing homes.
I tend to naturally take leadership roles; I am a cheer captain and the production coordinator at my school. Taking on these positions have allowed me to interact with many situations; this has helped me to be able to better navigate plights
Having participated in theater since seventh grade, I have learned how to use my words to convey the message or story I wish to tell. I use colorful language to keep those listening engaged and to catch others attention. Understanding body language has also helped me to express myself as I speak.
I believe that I have what it takes to be a part of the Tulip Court because of my experience and willingness. I appreciate your consideration and am honored to have been given this opportunity.

Ruth & Jim De Bruin

18.Aurelia Zylstra #156
What qualities are needed to serve on the Tulip Time Royal Court? (essays shared with judges if chosen for the final 12)

There are a plethora of qualities needed to serve on the Tulip Time court. The following I know I have are: an ambassador personality, connection and service in my community, integrity, school involvement, public speaking skills, and stage presence. Although these are all phenomenal qualities, I have no doubt that the other nominees are likewise. Some aspects that set me apart are my activities that have helped me develop these skills. I am involved in the Pella High speech team as this year's troupe president, Pella Marching Dutch, and AcaPella varsity show choir. I am also a daughter of God, bilingual, and a 2024 Hawkeye Girl's State attendee.

Though some might not consider the royal court as a position of leadership, the court represents and serves as the face of our town and the tradition of excellence that precedes it, therefore qualifying this role as one of leadership. To be a strong leader, you have to be a strong follower first and I have followed long enough to learn what is needed to serve not only on the court but also my community and peers. It has been so wonderful to see the beautiful and strong women of previous years serve in this position and I would be absolutely blessed and honored to succeed them.

Martha & Jason Zylstra